from pype.misc import xopen
[docs]class fastq():
"""Fastq iterator to extract name, sequence and quality ofr each read."""
def __init__(self, f, n=-1):
Specify the file object to iterate.
:param f: fastq file
:type f: File
:param n: number of reads to evaluate, defaults to -1
:type n: int, optional
self.fastq = f
self.n = n
self.counter = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
Read the next 4 lines of the fastq file.
Implement a __next__ magic method to iterate the fastq file
and return a dictionary with 'name', 'seq' 'sep' and 'qual' keys.
The 'sep' line is collected for consistency, despite the fact that
there may be no use for it.
:raises StopIteration: Maximum umber of reads reached.
:raises e: End of the file.
:return: A dictionary with 'name', 'seq' and 'qual' keys.
:rtype: dict
if self.counter == self.n:
raise StopIteration
name = next(self.fastq).strip()
read = next(self.fastq).strip()
sep = next(self.fastq).strip()
qual = next(self.fastq).strip()
self.counter += 1
return {
'name': name, 'seq': read,
'sep': sep, 'qual': qual}
except StopIteration as e:
raise e
def parse_fastq_name_illumina_1_8(line):
line = line.split(' ')
line = [item.split(':') for item in line]
machine_id = line[0][0]
if machine_id.startswith('@'):
machine_id = machine_id[1:]
flowcell_id = line[0][2]
lane_nr = line[0][3]
mate_nr = line[1][0]
index_id = line[1][3]
return {
'machine_id': machine_id,
'flowcell_id': flowcell_id,
'lane': lane_nr,
'mate': mate_nr,
'index': index_id
def parse_fastq_name_illumina_1_4(line):
line = line.split('#')
line = [item.split(':') for item in line]
machine_id = line[0][0]
if machine_id.startswith('@'):
machine_id = machine_id[1:]
flowcell_id = None
lane_nr = line[0][1]
index_id, mate_nr = line[1][0].split('/')
return {
'machine_id': machine_id,
'flowcell_id': flowcell_id,
'lane': lane_nr,
'mate': mate_nr,
'index': index_id
def parse_fastq_name_illumina_no_index(line):
line = line.split(':')
machine_id = line[0]
if machine_id.startswith('@'):
machine_id = machine_id[1:]
flowcell_id = None
lane_nr = line[1]
index_id, mate_nr = line[4].split('/')
except ValueError:
mate_nr = None
index_id = None
return {
'machine_id': machine_id,
'flowcell_id': flowcell_id,
'lane': lane_nr,
'mate': mate_nr,
'index': index_id
def fastq_name_info(fastq_file, n=50000, strict=False):
reads_info = []
with xopen(fastq_file, 'rt') as fq:
fastq_iter = fastq(fq, n)
for item in fastq_iter:
except IndexError:
except IndexError:
info = reads_info[0]
if strict:
all_same = True
for item in reads_info:
if item != info:
all_same = False
if all_same:
return info
raise Exception('Unsuccessful fastq parsing')
return info